Trust me I'm a patient
Band:The Libertines.

Безбашенные подростки, величайшая несостоявшаяся лав-стори, кудряшки Джона Хассалла и негр на ударных. "Всё же удивительные люди - исполняют криво, но драйвово. Даже полюбил, пока доехал".
Favourite Album:Up The Bracket.
Favourite Songs:
Favourite Lyrics:
So baby please kill me
Oh baby don't kill me
I get along just singing my song,
People tell me I'm wrong..
Fuck 'em!
No, you've got it the wrong way round
Just shut me up and blamed it on the brown
Cornered the boy kicked out at the world,
The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder...
Music when the lights go out - вся. Это шедевр, по-моему.
Well, wouldn’t it be nice to be Dorian Gray?
Just for a day?
If you get tired of just hanging around
Pick up a guitar and spin a web of sound
And then you could be strung out all day
With lovers and clowns
So I remember your eyes
that unique shade of brown,
While these blue eyes of mine
they stay closed
If you still love me by morning
Oh you'll find me waiting in the garden by the cherry blossom tree
Bring ten cups of wine and cigarettes
Don't you walk down lonely streets under darkened skies
Come on up with me to my lonely retreat, I will sing you lullabies
We'll string it up, string it along
And listen to those old time songs
And make believe, that they were written for you and me
Favourite Video:

Безбашенные подростки, величайшая несостоявшаяся лав-стори, кудряшки Джона Хассалла и негр на ударных. "Всё же удивительные люди - исполняют криво, но драйвово. Даже полюбил, пока доехал".
Favourite Album:Up The Bracket.
Favourite Songs:
Favourite Lyrics:
So baby please kill me
Oh baby don't kill me
I get along just singing my song,
People tell me I'm wrong..
Fuck 'em!
No, you've got it the wrong way round
Just shut me up and blamed it on the brown
Cornered the boy kicked out at the world,
The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder...
Music when the lights go out - вся. Это шедевр, по-моему.
Well, wouldn’t it be nice to be Dorian Gray?
Just for a day?
If you get tired of just hanging around
Pick up a guitar and spin a web of sound
And then you could be strung out all day
With lovers and clowns
So I remember your eyes
that unique shade of brown,
While these blue eyes of mine
they stay closed
If you still love me by morning
Oh you'll find me waiting in the garden by the cherry blossom tree
Bring ten cups of wine and cigarettes
Don't you walk down lonely streets under darkened skies
Come on up with me to my lonely retreat, I will sing you lullabies
We'll string it up, string it along
And listen to those old time songs
And make believe, that they were written for you and me
Favourite Video:
я всегда очень содержательна, если дело касается Либертинс)))